Full Butt !
In an equally painful, but quite convivial day, we finished the right butt cheek, a mirror image of the left, with some variations for interesting asymmetry.
I now have a full butt rape, with double spirals (and a mango pare) on each cheek.
As before, Phil inked the outline first, again with Kariei’s help holding down and stretching the glute. The pressure of Kariei’s arms and hands, warm on my body, was quite comforting, and helped me deal with the sharp, bright-white pain of the inking gun driving vibrating needles into my tender butt.
With the outlines done, Phil added a spiral heke line along the axis of each spiral. The heke lines divide each spiral in two, and those are the areas that receive the radial pakati lines.

After a quick snack and pee, we spent two hours in the afternoon inking in c. 1,000 short pakati lines. Not pure bliss, but the result was.